School Visits

BASE Program Visits (45-60 minute classes) These classes can be as educational as you desire.  Whether trying to fill a long winter evening inside, a summer schedule or a teacher work day, yoga classes can be an option to fill the time and to get rid of some energy.  These classes will be built with fun in mind.  More than other classes these flows will build partner and game skills. This class is appropriate for all groups looking for a kid yoga class.  Limit: 30 kids at a time Cost: $50/group of 30

Anatomy of Movement (30 minutes of yoga plus 15 minutes of discussion) This class would serve as a great opportunity for students to experience using their bodies.  30 minutes of yoga will involve sun salutations, balancing postures, and back bends.  After the class, I will discuss the ways our skeleton and muscles work together to help create these beautiful postures.  Anaotmy of Movement  would be great to begin, end or support a human body unit.  Limit: 30 students at a time                   Price: $3/student


Finding Balance (30 minutes of yoga plus 15 minutes of discussion and demonstration)  This class would be a great chance for students to see themselves as an object in balance.  The 30 minutes of yoga will be a playful opportunity to put their bodies in and out of balance.  They will use their own feet and hands, as well as, their neighbors and friends.  Because this class is aimed at a younger audience, I will stop and demonstrate some of the postures so they are done safely.  Afterward, we will briefly discuss what gave them a sense of balance.  Finding Balance would be a great complement to science units focused on balance and motion.        Limit: 30 students at a time         Price: $3/student

PE Class Visits  (30-45 minutes yoga practice)  I would love to drop into your school to add something new to your PE program.  When I visit, the trip is complimentary (provided you will send home my brochures), but the class will be packed with fun and interactive yoga.  The classes will be adapted to age group, but will include sun salutations, a challenging flow and a few balancing postures.  The students will be using their bodies to their fullest potential and hopefully recognizing some of the rewards associated with movement.  I can mold and adapt this class to meet any of your needs.  For example, I can talk about nutrition or healthy exercise to tie the class together toward the end.   I will provide mats and music, if you can provide the space.   Limit: 30 kids at a time